Strategies to Foster Creativity in Engineering Design

Strategies to Foster Creativity in Engineering Design

Name of Strategy: Strategies to Foster Creativity in Engineering Design Course Information Course Name: EBS1 (Fundamentals of Biological Systems Engineering) Enrollment: ~60 Brief Description of Course: First-year course that provides an introduction to Biological Systems Engineering and to the engineering design process. Students apply engineering design knowledge to a quarter-long group design project that … Continue reading

Active learning activity for in-class problem solving

Course Information Course Name: Fundamentals of Bioengineering Enrollment: 99 Brief Description: This is a 4 unit 2nd year required course for Biomedical Engineering majors, and addresses fundamental bioengineering concepts through the application of conservation principles to biomedical engineering problems.  Students meet for two 1hr. 20min. lectures and one 50 min. … Continue reading